We invite YOU to partner with us!

Phase I I - Vision

Once we have the proper funding in place, we plan to purchase a home that will house at least 4 residents for a first level Sober Living facility.  This will require a few paid staff members and volunteers to help keep the facility running and clean from any harmful substances or behaviors.

With the opening of a facility, we will need to have developed a program to ensure the successful re-structuring of behaviors and tendencies exhibited by addicts.  Their habits can be re-programmed with help and support.

In the midst of all the work, we will rally the community to change their mindset of addiction.  We can no longer afford to ignore or shun the person suffering addiction.  The taking drugs is initially a choice, addiction is not.  We must work with citizens and present new ideas on addiction struggles; we must present to them truths that will help the community as a whole.

Addiction puts a strain on emergency personnel, medical personnel, businesses who suffer crimes of theft and destruction committed on them, schools and teachers who are trying to prepare children for growing, counseling services and social services who are over-burdened by the amount of cases, and courts facing a consistent on slot of cases using taxpayer dollars. 

Please do not believe that addiction does not affect you.  Addiction affects every single person in the community to some degree!